Tanya's Daily Scoop
I'm seeing GREEN
I'm coming off of a few fun filled days. Today on the other hand is all about errands, chores and eventually choir rehearsal.
Well it was a fair filled weekend!
From the LA County Fair to the neighborhood annual church festival. And we were at both!
Yesterday was a bit more mellow than the Friday or Saturday, Friday was about hanging out with the Ladies, while Saturday was about Cosette and seeing how she did in the photography contest that she entered.
Yesterday was about the little sprouts... Chaplin & Mika (my nieces).
And these two teenagers of mine decided that they preferred staying at home then come along for the fun...
Then after over coming his non-sense and finally getting to work. He starting in yet again with this full blown attitude. I kid you not when I tell you that when I have to deal with attitudes like the one he had - I wish that there was somewhere that I could return him to!
Shortly thereafter he calmed down and made headway, being quite productive after all!
Not much else to report at the moment.
I hope that you enjoy the rest of your day,