Elisa's Daily ScoopBuffalos & Bears, Oh My!Hey there!!! Happy Hump Day from Yellowstone!! This trip just keeps getting better and better! Yesterday was a touring-packed day through Yellowstone. We got a bit of a late start due to tremendous and annoying Internet problem. The wifi truly stinks here! Once again we all packed in the car and headed out with our cameras, snacks and packed lunches. I was driving with Tanya riding shotgun - the girls in the second row and the guys in the last row. A full trunk of food, jackets and incidentals - and we were set! Entering through the West entrance of the park took us back into Wyoming, which was kinda cool to be going back and forth between Wyoming and Montana. As luck would have it, last week was National Parks Week and entrance was free to National Parks across the country, so we did not have to pay for Grand Teton. However, this week, admission costs were once again in effect. No biggie really - $25 for seven days, which entitles entrance to both Yellowstone and Grand Teton. Of course we are not going back to Grand Teton during this trip, but for those individuals traveling out this way, this is good information to know. Our first stop for the day was Gibbon Falls. So beautiful and the sound of the water flowing over the rocks was peaceful and serene. We had a bit of drama as we were about to take a group shot. Gianna has been so annoying as she insists on making ugly faces every time anyone takes her picture. As I was yelling at her to smile, Kelsey proceeded to smack Gianna in the face. I was about to reprimand Kelsey but before I could, Gianna hauled off and whacked Kelsey across the face. She hit her sister very hard that her face was all red and Kelsey was hysterical. I really didn't know who to be more angry with!! I have warned Kelsey so many times about hitting her sister because she is bigger than her and could hurt her if Gianna does hit her back. Lesson learned ... I hope. A few salt and vinegar potato chips later and Kelsey was smiling away! Continuing our drive through the park, our next stop was Mammouth Hot Springs. I really don't know how to describe this incredible natural phenomenon. The entire area felt somewhat surreal, with the different colors of the landscape, the steam coming up from the earth and the smell in the air. Now, this area is known for a distinct sulfur smell. But, I have to tell you, I am generally very sensitive to smells, particularly bad ones. However, while everyone was catching a disgusted whiff, I really was not noticing it and was far from bothered. Headed into Mammouth town visitor center we couldn't believe the view before us - a herd of buffalo just hanging out on the lawn. It was just so cool to see these wild beasts in a town setting. From here we traveled five miles toward the north entrance of the park to see the Theodore Roosevelt arch. Teddy himself laid the cornerstone of this entrance arch back in 1903 as he was one of the biggest proponents of protecting wildlife and very instrumental in the formation of our national parks. Tanya and I got a little loopy by the end of the day and had a blast taking photos at the arch with the help of Dominic, our photographer. This was our last attraction at the park but as we turned around to go back into the park so we could exit and head home, we spotted the "Welcome to Yellowstone" sign! Of course this was a photo op Tanya and I could not pass up!! So we snapped and video taped away That was pretty much the end of our day ....until... two incredible sightings occurred as we were driving to exit the park. We came upon a park ranger and a few cars pulled over to the site of the road, peering up into the side of the hills. Whenever the rangers are set up like this, it usually means, there is a bear nearby. Sure enough, as we joined the crowd, we were told there was a mama bear and her cub walking about way up in the hills. This was just so exciting!!! She was so far away, and although everyone in our group snapped away, the images we captured were not terribly good. Tanya probably got the best shot of the bears - take a look on the other side. ---->>>>---->>>>---->>>> If that wasn't the coolest thing all day - as we approached Madison Lake, near the the West entrance, we caught a glimpse of several buffalo making their way into the water to swim across! We had seen so many buffalo in the past two days that we were a little numb to them, but this was something totally different!! I am so sorry we are having so much trouble uploading our photos and Vlogs from our apartment rental here in West Yellowstone :-( We do promise to upload everything for your viewing pleasure to our Cousins Yellowstone Road Trip Page once we are able to do so. Off to Yellowstone again!! More later! -E xoxo | Tanya's Daily ScoopHeading back into YellowstoneHowdy All! Happy Earth Day 2015 to you! And let’s not forget that it’s W2GW (Where to Go Wednesday)!! It’s our second day at West Yellowstone, Montana and we'll be heading back into the park for some more awe inspiring scenery and purely majestic views. How totally cool to spend Earth Day at this very special National Park! See down below to find out what's on today agenda! On our first day in the park we managed to make only two stops (it was so difficult not to make several) before arriving at our first “planned” stop of Mammoth Hot Springs, which I had previously warned Cosette about the strong smell (stink) of sulfur. Yet once the girlies had exited the vehicle half of their faces were covered and Cosette was even gagging - so much like her Mumsy (ME)! Anyhow, we had all found the odor quite offensive and foul… All except for my dear cousin Elisa! She couldn’t smell the majority of the stink! I thinks me cousin might have something wrong with her sniffer! LOL So, while we were there, I had explained to our gang much of the unique geothermal features that can only be found at Yellowstone National Park. We had even got it on video - but because of the LAME-O wifi here, we are unable to currently upload the video. Boo *Please check back on the Cousins Yellowstone Road Trip page after we return from our trip. NOW - check out ELISA’S SIDE for the SCOOP on the next few stops that we made... While touring the park from the west entrance to Madison, to Norris, to Mammoth Hot Spring, to the Roosevelt Arch and then back we caught glimpses of several wild animals - which always excites me! There were buffalo galore, elks, an array of beautiful birds and last but certainly not least a Momma Grizzly and her cub!!! You could imagine my excitement when I saw the park ranger at the side of the road and the few other park visitors with cameras in hand. I had alerted Elisa as to what was going on, she pulled over and in a hurry I gathered my binoculars, fitted the camera with the proper lens, and then jumped out of the vehicle and quickly located the 2 adorable (from afar) bears! Yay! So obviously you know where we are on W2GW, here are a few ideas on where you could go: Find all of your Worldwide Earth Day events listed HERE! ![]() In Southern California? Go check out the Renaissance Pleasure Faire! Saturdays & Sundays April 4 thru May 17, 2015 For more INFO click HERE ![]() In the OC? Go check out the Newport Beach Film Festival - Showcasing more than 350 films from around the world From April 23-30 For more INFO click HERE ![]() And if you are in LA.... This is the last weekend to go see Cinderella on Broadway! I’ll be there, come and check it out! For more INFO click HERE Today we’ll be exploring around the Canyon Village area where we’ll see highlights such as: -The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone - 20 miles long, 1,500 to 4,000 feet wide and 1,500 feet deep -The Upper and Lower Falls of Yellowstone - Upper Falls: 109 ft.; Lower Falls: 308 ft and -The Yellowstone River - which happens to be the longest undammed river in the continental United States! TOP 15 FACTS ABOUT YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK
Well I’m thinking I probably chewed your ear enough for one day… See ya back here tomorrow for all of todays SCOOP! And please remember to continue voting for us (one click in all it takes). -T |
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