Elisa's Daily ScoopMonday and Snowing???Monday, Monday - the start of a new week. Who would have thought we'd be waking up to yet more snow! That's right folks, here on Long Island, we had a snowy Sunday yesterday as we began a new month and that darn white stuff continued straight through the night leaving a few inches worth of accumulation. As a result the kids have a 2-hour delay this morning. Not the way I wanted to start my first week back in New York! Grrrrrrr! Ok - I'm done ranting! Let's start with the good news!! We are going to have announce a new page addition to the Travelin' Cousins site this week so STAY TUNED!!! Sorry, this is a short one today peeps - have lots to get done before the kiddies come home from school!! Have a fabulous one!!! -E xoxo Please vote: ------>>>>>----->>>>>> | Tanya's Daily ScoopWeekend RecapIt’s the first Monday of March! And I’m coming off of a spectacular weekend! If yours was even only 10% as good as mine was then I know that you experienced some good times, and if not…then why wasn't it??? I was pulling for you all the way to also have an equally rocking’ weekend! Well guess what? You have a chance to redeem yourself next weekend…countdown in only 4 days! Wow, the first Monday of the month! Only 2 more Mondays and then it’s my Birthday week, and I head to Paradise!! Today I’ve got a bunch of small errands to take care of, finish shopping for the trip, confirm that we’re finished packing, take Cosette to see Dream for her birthday - an early birthday visit being that we’ll be out of town for her actual birthday. Heading to choir rehearsal later on, picking up a rental, and getting ready to head out on our Road Trip to Tahoe bright and early tomorrow morning! Now, here as promised is my Saturday/Sunday recap: Dave and I started off our Saturday morning with completing the Fire Cracker Bike Ride - we were signed up to do the 30 mile ride, but then when they came out and offered a 7 mile bonus Sixth Street Bridge ride only for riders that make to the cut off by 11am. We decided to opt for the 20 mile ride so that we’d definitely make the cut off. I’m sorry, I might be active, and athletic; BUT there is just no way that I’m climbing hills while peddling at 15mph! So we made the cut off and had a police escort to the iconic Sixth Street Bridge in downtown Los Angeles (that is set to be demolished). *Designed in 1932 by architect Merrill Butler, the historic bridge began having problems only 20 years later when the cement started to disintegrate due to alkali- silica reaction. It has been found to be unsafe and could collapse during a major earthquake. Before the demolition of the Sixth Street Viaduct, scheduled for 2015, a documentary film will be created as part of the mitigation for its loss. You might recognize the gateway which has been made famous in countless Hollywood blockbusters, from the car racing scene in "Grease" to an explosive fight between robots in "Transformers" The demise of the bridge will definitely be a loss to the history and landscape of Los Angeles. After getting our medals and walking around the festivities in China Town, we headed off to go have brunch at Real Food Daily in West LA. Where you’ll almost always spot a celebrity, and I ate lunch sitting next to Linda Lavin (the actress made famous from 1970’s/80's role in the hit TV sitcom ‘Alice’). We had then left the afternoon pretty open to enjoy and have fun at our hotel. And that we did!!! Later that night we were off to a lovely late dinner at Crossroads Kitchen - where the scene is always happening and to see and be seen! We were led to our table and I almost fell back in surprise when I noticed yet another fabulous bouquet of flowers waiting for me! Aww Dave!! Upon finishing dinner and walking out of the restaurant, there was paparazzi waiting there for someone…I must’ve missed who we were eating amongst! As for Sunday, we had a leisurely morning exploring the gardens and the grounds, before heading to a nice brunch on the lovely patio at Gracias Madre. Now, while you and I both know that I can EAT… Did you know where I went immediately after having a huge brunch??? To the Vegan Street Food Festival! And it was a good thing that we went there on a full stomach… This place was uber packed full of vegans and those curious about vegan foods! We met up with a friend who drove up (2hrs) from San Diego to go to this event. She then stood in one of the vey very many lines that were each over 1hr long only to find out as she finally approached the booth that they were sold out! I was so glad that this event had such a great turn out and such support! Now only if they vendors plan for it better and have enough food to go around! Keep in mind that this took place before 4pm and that the event went until 8pm. I know that you are thinking “how could they have expected the grand turnout?”… Well, the FaceBook page actually had an estimated number of people who planned to attend the event and I know that these vendors were just not prepared for those numbers! Go Vegans!!! And as the saying goes "Go Vegan and No Body gets Hurt" Now, speaking of FaceBook… Have you liked our page yet? Click HERE I’m gonna head out now, and catch ya back here for Travelin’ Tuesday - while I’m out there Travelin’!!! Toodles, -T ![]() |