Recap of Networking and Shopping Weekend
Well hey there! Happy Columbus Day and here's to a new week!
I'm back! Sorry about yesterday being MIA. I was on the go from the moment I woke up and decided to just take the day off. Happy to be here today.
So, I arrived on the blog today at 7:30 AM EST, and could not believe that my dear cuz already had her delightful daily scoop completed! Wow!
As we all know, Tanya is on the west coast, so either she was up super early or did her recap last night (I'm betting on the latter!) Well, let me get to my weekend. Honestly, it was a very enjoyable one! Saturday started off with me attending a new networking group on Long Island. I have always been involved in networking and business organization groups, but for the past few years, I got away from it all with the divorce and all. So, I decided to head over this past Saturday to theLong Island Breakfast Club. Just a super nice group of local professionals and folks like me looking to branch out and expand the reach of their businesses. I had a super great time! I'll be doing more of these going forward - I believe in networking for so many reasons, and I find that regularly meeting with other ambitious individuals is not only mentally stimulating, but also presents the opportunity to give back to others.
Following my networking breakfast, Kelsey I headed over to the Roosevelt Field Mall to do some shopping and of course - EAT!!
We love Le Pain Quotidien at Neiman Marcus. The breads are AMAZING!! and their menu is filled with healthy salads, open face sandwiches and lots of great beverage options. It has a great cross-section of vegan/vegetarian and non meal options for all.
We did manage to visit every store on our list and get EVERY single item for which we had planned. A totally productive day!!
Kelsey found the most adorable dress for her upcoming school dance. This will be her first one as a 7th Grader - in two weeks. Yesterday, was a bit nutty because we had an open house in the ongoing effort to sell our home. During these events, we need to leave the house for the two hour period. After taking Gianna to a friend's house for the day, Kelsey and I headed out for a few hours. We took Punkin with us and grabbed some food and beverages. Incidentally, we had an amazing turnout, so I'm praying that it will result in an offer. And...that was my day! Today, the girls are off from school for the holiday and we'll just be relaxing. One last thing - I really found this article by Caroline Costello in SmarterTravel.com fun and entertaining and wanted to share with you: 7 Shameless Ways to Make a Flight Comfortable CLICK HERE to read the full article! On that note, I'm going to say so long! Be back tomorrow! -Travelin' Elisa xoxo |
Recap of the 2018 Long Beach Marathon
Hello everyone and Happy Columbus Day Monday to you!
A typical local Monday for me is all about the International Peace Choir and getting the kids out to Long Beach for their weekly rehearsal - this has been ongoing for the past 14 years! 14 years of volunteer work with a wonderful organization flies by. But being that it's Columbus Day and that both of our directors were not going to be available, we called off rehearsal and all meetings have been postponed. I'm okay with having the afternoon/night off. Especially tonight, since the Yankees are taking the ALDS home to Yankees Stadium for game 3 against the Boston Red Sox. The series is tied at 1 game a piece and I will be glued to the boob tube full of emotion as I watch and cheer, yell, hoot and holler at the screen. Yup I'm one of "those"! LOL So anyhow that's what I'll be doing later on. I had a leisurely sleep last night and did not have to wake up until 6a this morning. I'm considering it late and leisurely since yesterday was all about the 4am wake up call! Yesterday was revolved around going to the Long Beach Marathon and pedaling in the Bike Tour along with a few thousand other cyclists.
I may not be the fastest out there, but I had to pull ahead early in the ride because I just cannot stand being behind of bunch of slow cyclists.
Of course I feel the same way with being behind slow walkers, drivers, skiers...you name it. Slow just doesn't work for me unless we are talking about cooking! Okay that was a bit of a side track.. Back to the Marathon. Pulling out in front of all these slow cyclists however proved to be a slight issue for me because as it turned out - I lost Dave!! It was still pretty dark out and I pulled over to the side and watched bike after bike go on by. Still not locating him. Then I finally thought I saw him!
I waited a bit more and since I was after a u-turn I could hopefully spot him as he would head toward me.
Hmm I didn't see him again and figured now he must've past me urgently looking for me while panicking that I would be pissed off at him for not keeping up! I wasn't in a pissed off place and now I was again pushing through the crowd to try to locate my riding partner. Nothing! I would again come to a u-turn at another point on the route and there I would wait once again. And I spotted him once more. This time yelling out his name. Finally after he made the u-turn, he would catch up. Although I lost a lot of time, the rest of the ride was mellow and easy going. I was determined not to lose him again and he was already giving 110%!
After the tour, we received our medals and then went over to watch some of the marathoners trot on by.
While doing so and being the photog that I am, there was one heck of a wild coincidence I had.
As I was snapping away, I heard my name being called. I turned to look and lo and behold it was a past IPC president who had just run by me as I was taking pictures.
Seeing this long lost friend was definitely a surprise and a blast from the past!
Anyhow, what a crazy coincidence. Overall the day was fabulous and now comes the time when I have to get on with this one. Ciao 4 Now, -Travelin' Tanya |