How Safe is Airline Food?
Hi there my peeps!!
Another sunny saturday and I had my day started bright and early. After a few errands, I had to take my girl Kelsey to her second to last class in preparation for her Catholic high school entrance exam at the end of the month. Then the afternoon was filled with outdoor fun at her school's Fall Festival.
Honestly, we all lucked out with the weather! Amazing Autumn Day!! Not only was she able to spend the day with her classmates and enjoy the festivities, she was also earning community service hours required for making her Confirmation next year. A win-win all around.
While Gianna was home, still recovering from not feeling well all week, I joined the other moms later in the afternoon for the all-important (and necessary) clean up. Here are a few photos from the day... Travel Talk... How safe is Airline Food? Although no one (so we like to think!) likes travel as much as me and my dear cuz, Tanya, there are some negative aspects of venturing around the world that we feel obligated to chat about and bring to your attention here and there. Some things are even eye openers to us! For instance, many moons ago, in-flight dining was much more common and the biggest consideration travelers had to make was what choice to make in their meal selection. As service has changed and costs have soared, air travel doe snot offer as many options, if at all any when using this mode of transportation. However, on those rare flights when a dining option is offered, I was pretty surprised to read about how breakfast is not the wisest of meals to partake.
In fact, in a recent Travel & Leisure article, "A user on Quora who says they are a flight attendant...warns that airplane food is “very unhealthy,” even if you choose raw or vegan options."
Who would have thought? One of the reasons appears to be that the food served is most often prepared 12 hours prior and in some cases, days before flight departure. The flight attendant quoted in this article goes on to advise that of all meals, breakfast is the most "questionable." "The scrambled egg or the omelet that you just had was not only egg but can be a mix of egg and other substitute,” he said. Even fruit is not to be trusted, he added, because there could be a number of additives in it to make it look fresh, even if it isn't." Well, I don't know about you, but this puts a totally different complexion on the prospect of airline food for me!! Additionally, coffee and tea on board should also be avoided. Why? "According to Business Insider, an EPA study found that one in every eight planes fails the agency’s standards for water safety, and the water for tea and coffee comes from the tap, not from a bottle, while in flight. According to a 2004 EPA sample of 158 planes, 13 percent contained coliform and two of the airplanes were found to have dangerous E.coli in the water." Definitely not worth the risk! So, what should we do to avoid being hungry? Your best option is to bring your own food. Items that can last in your carry on for a few hours, a sandwich, granola bars and buy bottled water at the airport once you are through security - items you know are clean, fresh and most of all safe! Read full article... See ya'll back here tomorrow!! -Travelin' Elisa xoxo |