Tanya's Daily Scoop
Heroes among us
We moved quickly. Packing our most treasured and irreplaceable items. Getting the animals crates ready for transport. Having friends step up, take off from work and come to assist us with whatever was needed.
It was beyond crazy and scary.
I got home around 9am. I immediately noticed how crazy windy it was. Then shortly thereafter had I noticed that there was a fire that had just started in the EXACT same location as the Canyon Hills fire that was 2 weeks ago and took 6 days to put out.
This fire, being named Canyon Hills 2 started on the same day and in the same spot only 2 weeks later.
Liz who had come over to help us had an urgent call notifying her that she and my little Mika were getting evacuated. We were all in shock and wondering how on earth the fire had moved to their house!
The wind had gusts of up to 75mph and this fire was being wind driven. The burning embers were being carried and landing on homes causing them to burn down in flames. And then another and another. Were they neighboring homes? No.
This fire was playing hopscotch. And we were on standby.
There have been 24 structures destroyed and others damaged. But since the winds have died down the fire is not currently endangering any homes and we are safe.