Hoping for Tanya to check in soon with the latest on her current road trip!! - Travelin' Elisa
Researching Colors and Decor for new house
Hello and Happy Saturday!!
I think Winter is finally on its way! We've had temps down in the 30's for the past few days and boy is there a chill in the air!!
I've been a busy little beaver putting together a list of renovation and decorative "to do's" for the new house.
As you know by know, your's truly is extremely ANAL and ORGANIZED. I don't like to leave anything to chance. As a result, I have given a great deal of thought and research to every aspect of our new house. This includes, what it will look like, what materials will be needed, photos and item numbers of products to accessorize our home as well as where all the vendors that carry each item along with the price. My list grows by the day with more and more detailed information and I've even uploaded photos of everything by room, whether I need to purchase it or if it's an item I already own (which is largely the case with lighting fixtures). When I'm finished detailing everything, then I can easily add up the cost to see where I am per room and overall.
A few of the colors I'm considering
throughout the new house I already know my labor costs and since I will be the "general contractor" all I need to do is figure out the material, appliance and decorative item costs. With a printed list in hand, all sub contractors will know the full extent of everything that is happening, whether it is their area of expertise or someone else's. So far, I have a pretty soft color palette. The first floor will be beiges and grays with a white kitchen. Dark hardwood floors throughout, following through to the third floor and attic. The second floor where the bedrooms are will also have dark hardwood floors and it looks like all three of us gals are gravitating towards soft bedroom colors. Our attic will serve as a guest area/hang out area for kids and storage. Jumping down to the basement, we'll be installing a brownish-gray wood-look ceramic tile throughout. This area will serve as the main hang out area for the kids filled with a comfy couch, television, fun seating and tons of cubbies for storing games, photo albums and dvd movies. Behind two closed doors there will be a laundry room and small full bath as well as an office. There will be lots to do for the first 2-3 months, but once it's completed, we will be able to exhale and just enjoy our new home in peace!! This is a short one guys - going back to shopping online for the house. See you back here tomorrow!! -Travelin' Elisa xoxo |