Tanya's Daily Scoop
Travel Booking Frustrations

(at least for a few days).
As you know, I have kinda been in limbo with the way that I've decided to do my ski trips this year.
Not sure about you but being in limbo is NOT something that I'm accustom to or very comfortable with.
I just happened to be browsing vacation ideas online (as I normally do) and then lo and behold I came across the exact property that I was looking for and had placed a previous pre-paid reservation request on.
So on one hand I was excited, but on the other highly annoyed.
Why is this sought after (and usually fully booked) property available when it should have been confirming my already pre-paid reservation?!
I called the agency in attempt to figure out WTH is going on.
On the phone I found that I was dealing with someone who really seemed as though she had no clue what she was doing. She could not find the property that I had on hold and told me that I had to release it - which I did. But at that point neither of us could find it again. Frustration was building. She then gave me some outlandish excuse as to why the resort had not be assigned to my previous pre-paid request. At this point I was thoroughly disappointed.
The call was ended and I continued to search. Eventually finding the elusive resort - this time I wasn't messing around and I didn't care if I had to pay for it all over again. I did not want to miss out!
And so I did. Now I was stoked to have my booking!
I then proceeded to call back and cancel the previous pre-paid request and have the request cancelled and refunded. All was good. At least for a few minutes...until I discover that the agent cancelled BOTH my reservation request and the new reservation!!!!!!
Of course this stirred up a panic and caused much more stress.
I called once again and speaking to another agent - I explained the situation.
After much time on the phone and having a supervisor look into the situation I was able to book the resort once more. Paying yet again. Now I am still awaiting both refunds - which are suppose to take 3-5 business days.
But at least I have our reservation and we ARE going to Breckenridge in February.
We will make a road trip of it this time around and drive through Las Vegas on our way.
Head up to Salt Lake City. Stay in SLC for a few days, skiing Park City and visiting some friends.
Then we will continue our road trip and head to Denver to meet Dave - we just bought his flight yesterday. From there we will head to Breckenridge and ski ski ski!
I'm not sure yet if I will add more to this trip. At least there are dates set and something to build around.
And now since it is Thursday - how about some 2012-2016 TBT pics from none other than Breckenridge!