Tanya's Daily Scoop
It's meeee in OC
I know I've been terrible about getting on here and I've said that I will get better and I will but I'm just not too sure about the time-line.
Since we've last seen each other, I've already gone and come back from my San Francisco/Mendocino trip.
The kids decided that they did not want to come and had preferred to stay home. So off Dave and I went...
I will try to fill in those days - especially since I was taking pictures all along the way.
For now we'll focus on today, yesterday, the fact that Thanksgiving is only 2 days away and I suppose I'll also upload and add a link for yesterdays blog "Getting back to the OC" which will focus Sunday and our lovely day in San Francisco!
Yesterday was the one day out of the year that I generally get rather over-whelmed.
Yup folks, I don't over-whelm easily, but our Thanksgiving day shopping list and checking off those boxes usually really can get to me. However somehow I managed yesterday without any stress! Yay me!!
We also made our way to choir rehearsal and by the end of the night both Dave and I were mighty exhausted.
Today I have to work on a presentable (printed) Thanksgiving Day menu and the organization of the day and all the rest of the planning. I might actually have to start some cooking today - but until I work on the organization then I won't really know. LOL
I might actually have something else that I should be doing right now!! So perhaps I should get moving!!!
Okay so for now, why don't you just bop on over to yesterdays late blog and I'll meet you back here tomorrow (if I say it enough - hopefully it'll stick)!