Foodie Friday FarewellHappy Friday!!! I don't know about you, but this week certainly went fast for me. It's been a wonderful week having Tanya and the kids here in New York! We had a fun-filled dinner at my house Wednesday night. Then yesterday, we all met up in Astoria, Queens for some great eats! First, a great meal at Ornella Trattoria on 23rd Avenue. This restaurant had a full vegetarian menu with a number of vegan specialities, making it a great choice for our crew! We had a wide variety of dishes including a Chestnut pasta with cherry tomatoes, which Cosette and I partook. Dominic ordered Rigatoni with Seiten, peas and onions in a red sauce and Tanya had a fresh fettuccini pasta with artichokes in a lemon sauce. Gianna and Kelsey played it safe with spaghetti and penne respectively, in a marinara sauce After dinner, with some room to spare, we piled in my car and headed to Sweet Jane's, a delightful dessert shop on 24th Avenue which serves both vegan and non-vegan sweet treats. I am featuring this adorable little Astoria find in my Foodie Friday piece today, so please do read more!!! The two days went way too fast. The kids wanted to go back to Tanya's grandma's, where she is staying while in New York, but the fact that was a school night, (and Kelsey had still not done her homework), and Tanya's gang were catching a flight to Iceland today, we all opted to go our separate ways. Of course, that was after hugs and kisses and goodbyes in the rain, double parked on 23rd Avenue!! PLEASE FOLLOW TANYA IN ICELAND EACH DAY during the next 10 days as she live-blogs from the Land of Fire and Ice!!! For now, please CLICK HERE for all the details of this exciting trip!! I have to say, I am quite jealous! I wish I was going too!!!! I will just have to follow along each day and enjoy all the scenic photos and live vicariously through Tanya's blog. Here's to a marvelous weekend!!! -E | Heading off to a New Land!Hey Hey Hey & a Happy Day! Guess What??? Not only is it Friday, but... The day has finally arrived and kids and I are heading to ICELAND!!! Funny thing is, that with this cold spell that's hitting parts of the USA, it is actually going to be warmer in Iceland than it is in NYC right now!!! Crazy Weather! This week has been super, and like Elisa said and I feel the same - this week has gone by really FAST! I can't believe that it's already Friday! We've had a great time with all of the visiting this week, and spending time with the family members that we don't get to see everyday. Yesterday was Throwback Thursday and while it was rather late in the day, I did finally manage to post this weeks story before the night was over! Guess I was busy having too much fun! But I do hope that you enjoy it and get a laugh or two out of this particular experience we had in 2012 while in Switzerland! "Switzerland and a case of where's Dave?" Read more on yesterday afternoons whereabouts in Astoria, what we ate, and the sweets we indulged in on Elisa's side, as well as in her edition of Foodie Friday! Next time you'll be hearing from me is from Iceland, starting tomorrow!!! If you haven't already subscribed, please be sure that you do that TODAY! That way you won't be the only one missing out on the Daily Scoop or any of the excitement straight from ICELAND, as I LIVE BLOG everyday from the Land of Fire and Ice!!! And as for you picture lovers - you can bet that I'll be posting plenty of the amazing sights both on here, and on our social media pages (that I hope you are following)! Wishing you a GREAT Friday! -T |