Tanya's Scoop
Just dance
I took my laptop with me to post over the weekend and FAILED. So how was your weekend?
I should have a chance to tell you all about Saturday - but not right now. Instead, right now I will tell you about yesterday and how PROUD I am of my sweet precious Cosette...
Cosette was shocked to see me cutting up the dance floor and came by to snap a shot of her mum.
Now before the day and the event took place we had not had all of the details and had made previous arrangements to go and see THOR RAGNAROK after the wedding..
The movie was fun and even had it's funny moments.
I had assigned Dominic to do the cooking yesterday and came home to a delish plate of Fusilli alla Bolognese (all vegan of course). Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm it was good!
That's it for now,