Tanya's Daily BlogWeathering the StormHi Guys! I'm finally pretty much unpacked. Whew! Good thing because I couldn't delay any longer since now it's time again to pack! I can't help but stare at that adorable picture of Liberty on Elisa's column. Today is TBT and although the original plan was for Elisa to share a funny 2002 TBT story about a trip she took with my aunt and uncle (her parents) to Lancaster, PA. Instead she has shared with you a piece of her heart. Please read all about her journey with Liberty, the family's beloved pet. And be sure to have a tissue handy, it's a tear-jerker. Because whether you have ever had a pet or not, if you have ever loved then you will be sure to feel the tug at your heart as you go down memory lane with Elisa and Liberty... Today is another stable day, I took Cosette to her horseback riding lesson on Thor and today we're going to see Dream. I'm loving the fact that the weather has been very mild and almost cool to the skin. And for the next couple of days the west coast is expecting an unseasonably cold storm system that has originated from Alaska. Bringing rain and mountain snow to the usually very sunny Southern California. While I am all for this, since we definitely need the the rain (it's a drought people). It does have me a bit concerned about our scheduled ferry going over to Catalina Island tomorrow. Safety is always rule numero ONE! It also has me wondering about how it might possibly effect our Gran Fonda Ride on Saturday morning, taking place on Catalina Island... as almost 100% of the cyclists are coming from the mainland. Whatever the case, I'm thinking that it'll definitely be cooler than it was last year as I huffed and puffed up that killer 3 mile hill is the awful HEAT! Read about that experience HERE I suppose the only thing we can to do is just show up at the terminal and take it from there. So, I've been driving myself crazy looking for a missing SD card - which it seems that the pictures from last years trip to Catalina were never backed up. Luckily the pictures that I've been able to share with you from that event are ones that I posted on the blog last year. I've located SD cards from before and from after, but for some reason this darn time frame seems to currently be MIA. Ugh! Another thing that is really bugging me is that I have a few missing pieces of jewelry. Meaning that I obviously DID NOT put the items away properly the last time that I used them. It's quite frustrating. Yesterday I was racking my brain and had thought I used them while on my post Valentine's Weekend in Beverly Hills. I was so stuck on this idea that I even called the hotel to have them search their lost and found. Of course nothing came up. I'm sure it'll eventually turn up somewhere. But until then please wish me luck at finding my missing items. And now for a little TBT Fun in Pictures!!! That's about it folks! Now it's your turn, show us some us your Fun TBT pictures - we'd sure luv to see them! Catch you back here tomorrow for a yummy feast on FOODIE FRIDAY! Ciao 4 Now, -T | Elisa's Daily BlogMemories of my baby, LibertyHey there. I'm here again, but not feeling 100%. Still mourning my sweet pup, Liberty. I want to apologize because I had planned to share fun throwback story about a trip I took with my parents back in 2002 to Lancaster, Pennsylvania and the Amish country. But, I'm just not feeling cheery. I will post that story in two weeks. For now, Tanya is minding the fort, so to speak with tons of travel stories and great information. Did you catch her wonderful W2GW feature yesterday for things to do this weekend in SoCal? Neil Diamond, Greek Festival, Doheny Blues Festival and Catalina Island Granfondo. CLICK HERE in case you missed it. I thought for Throwback Thursday, instead, I'd honor my beloved pet with a little walk down memory lane over the past 13 years and her transformation through the years. It was 2001 and we decided to get a puppy. We found Liberty at Freeport Humane Society in Freeport, NY, when she was 11 weeks old. She only weighed 10 lbs when we first adopted her. She was the smaller puppy there, the only female and she RACED to us. Actually, she made a b-line for Tedd. It didn't take us more than another few seconds to know that "she" had made up her mind and we had found our new fur baby From the first day, this little sweetie let it be known that she was an alpha female. She tried her darndest to dominate everything in the family! Over time, she learned her place and became the most loyal, adoring and loving family member. We tried to figure out what to name her in light of the tragedies of 9-11- with something patriotic. Rebecca came up with the name Liberty and her nickname was Libby. As she grew and her personality emerged more and more, she reminded us of a goose with the way her butt would shake from side to side when she would run down the stairs. Goose became her nickname and when Gianna and Kelsey came along, they called her "Goosey." She answered to both names, which was just the funniest thing. We learned pretty early on that she was a "burier" and the yard became a burial ground for bones, balls and toys! Even in the house, she would run room to room frantically to find the best hiding spot for her biscuits and treats. We'd find them behind couch and chair cushions, all around the house. She also was the most amazing dog to play catch with - for a dog of 65lbs, she would jump over 3 feet in the air to catch a ball and do it over and over and over!!! One of her favorite enjoyments was to spend time out east in Remsenburg. She loved being in the huge yard running around or taking a relaxing nap on our deck in the sunshine. And she looked so forward to taking long walks down our boat dock and barking at the swans who were on her turf! Thankfully, her life was a healthy one, with only 2 issues. First was when she tore her ACL at age 9, from which she recovered amazingly after surgery! Then in February 2014, she developed Vestibular disease, which is similar to a doggie Vertigo. It was horrible as she was bed-bound for almost 3 weeks, as she experienced horrible dizziness to the point of not wanting to eat. I made her usual home-made dinner of ground turkey and pasta every night, only I pureed it and hand fed her as it was difficult for her to hold her head down to eat out of the bowl. I slept in the den on the couch for over a month so she wasn't alone and I could give her reassurance and be there if she needed anything. The love I felt for this animal is indescribable. I would do anything for her and the unconditional love she showed towards me and the entire family was unending. I was devastated by her Vestibular disease and prayed harder than I can remember for her to make a recovery. I begged God for at least two more years - he settled on a year and three months. She made a wonderful recovery, but was left with a permanent "head tilt" from the illness. The last year of her life she declined quite a bit. It got harder and harder for her to go up and down steps. She couldn't jump anymore because her hind legs had become much weaker and her breathing became more and more labored with a great deal of panting. It was particularly difficult at night when she couldn't get comfortable from the arthritis in her back and hind legs and the difficulty breathing. She would sleep so much and my once, alert and high energy girl was not sleeping right through when we'd walk in and make noise. However there were still moments, like this past weekend when she would go into her toy box and pull out her toys and trot throughout the house in a playful mood. She still had that pup in her. The day she died, she seemed a bit disoriented in hindsight - a little slower and aged. But, she was just as enthused to eat her home-made dinner and go outside in the yard after eating. I said goodbye like any other time I had gone out, when we left her in her room (our laundry room, in which her bed faced the backyard through the french doors). She wasn't in her bed and was standing up a little disoriented. I just assumed she had not settled in as the five of us were rushing out to Gianna's band concert. I never thought in a million years that would be the last time I'd see my girl alert and alive. I never would have imagined we'd come home to find her gasping for air and blue. And I NEVER thought for a nano-second that I would have to put her down that night. My heart is still breaking at the thought of not being there with her - was she scared? Did her stroke completely blind side her? Did she want me and the family with her - I'll just never know and it haunts me. But, what I do know is that the love we all felt for her was shown every day of her life and while she lie on that hospital table unresponsive, taking her last breaths. My life is better for having had her in my life. People used to laugh and say she won the "doggie lottery" by getting adopted by us. They are so wrong. We won the "doggie lottery" for having this amazing creature bless our lives for 13 years and 8 months. Rest in Peace, my loving Liberty, until we meet again in heaven. xoxo -E |
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