Spring is in the Air
Hey there and happy Saturday!!
What a gorgeous day here on Long Island! I took a glorious 3 mile walk with my sweet Kelsey. We walked all around the neighborhood, which is filled with brightly colored blooming flowers and trees; lots of people outdoors doing gardening and sitting outdoors enjoying the light Spring breeze!
My dear cuz is in the pacific northwest this weekend. Have you been following her on Instagram? Lots of fun pics for your to enjoy and keep up with this, her current trip.
As for me, I had a yummy vegan breakfast with me and my girls. I call it my Vegan Breakfast Pizza. I spread peanut butter on a flour tortilla, then cut thin slices of apples, which I spread all around, then I add thin slices of strawberries and I sprinkle with chopped walnuts. You can add as much fruit as you like, such as kiwi, peaches, nectarines, and/or vary the nut butter, with either almond butter or cashew butter, depending on your own likes. Even Kelsey, who is usually very picky, at one!! The rest of my day is a little here and there. First, I'll be heading over to get my hair done. Then, from there, I'll stop by my Dad's to see how he is doing today. We've been having an ongoing game of rummy, so we'll pick up where we left off. Tomorrow is our 5th Anniversary here at Travelin' Cousins!!! Tanya and I will be switching sides for our individual blogs here on The Daily Scoop! See you tomorrow! -Travelin' Elisa xoxo |