Elisa's Daily ScoopWeekend Finally!Yay!!!! Friday is here!!! Is anyone else happy that it's the weekend? Do you have anything fun planned this weekend? Nothing terribly exciting on my end. Today is just an "errand and work around the house" day. I actually have a friend coming over later in the day to take a bunch of Gianna and Kelsey's old baby toys for her baby boy. I'm still on my clearing out and haul kick. Denise just informed me that she will be having a yard sale within the next month at her house - well, you know who is going to be joining her!! Sunday, I'll be spending the day at her house to help her paint her upstairs rental apartment. My trunk will be full of "sale merchandise" that she said I can store in her garage until our big Yard Sale day. This will be such a big help because lots of the stuff I want to get rid of is in great condition, but I just don't have the where-with-all to start selling stuff on ebay or craig's list and it would be a real shame to just "give it away." A yard sale is just the right thing and at the right time! Yesterday, started off as a good day. Met my sister and Dad for lunch and we caught up a bit since he returned from Florida this past Saturday. We had a lot of laughs too! The girls have a half day of school today, so I'll be bringing them over to spend yet another day with Grandma and Grandpa. Their new little dog, Mikey is really stealing the show since my parents returned and the kids just can't get enough of him! Unfortunately, I'm a bit braindead today and I prepared the kids lunch as if it was a full day. I put their lunch boxes in the car and realized they had 11AM dismissal. Oh well, I'll bring the lunches for them later. I hope you enjoy this first day of May! Here on Long Island, it is a gorgeous Spring day!! See ya back here tomorrow!! -E xoxo | Tanya's Daily ScoopTime for Another Vacation!!!Hellooooo there! Well, I've been home for less than a week and it's time to head on out again! This will be my 8th trip of 2015! Funny turn of events - while Dominic was looking very forward to coming along on this Moab and Southwestern National Parks Road Trip, he has decided to back out. (insert sad face) Somehow he thought that we were only going to be away for the weekend and when it occurred to him that we wouldn't be returning until Mother's Day, he opted to stay home with the rest of the non-traveling family folks. Poor kiddo. He just seems to need more than a few down days in between trips. He knows that he will miss out on plenty of fun and lots of yummy food (once we get to Las Vegas). I assured him that we will be heading back to Vegas again for our Labor Day Getaway and for him to just do whatever makes him happy. Speaking of FOOD...and since Today is of course Friday...Which makes it FOODIE FRIDAY here at Travelin' Cousins!! I'll be posting about a very yummy and delightful Southern-Style Diner that both I and FOOD NETWORK's Guy Fieri agree is a HIT. Be sure to check it out!!! Click HERE And speaking of hits... Yesterday was a total hit! It was Chaplin's birthday and we all had an absolute BLAST-A-ROO! From having fun down on the farm (at home), to riding (racing) surreys, to picnicking and playing on the beach. There was a beautiful golden sunset and how could we not even throw in an argument between me and my mom...I mean why the heck not?! I'm aggressive and she's passive aggressive and that's the way the cookie crumbles. The rest of the night was filled with a birthday cake that we all agreed on was quite delicious from Life is Sweet Bake Shop, and a then very yummy dinner made by my sister Jet. Yes, you read that correctly...we had DESSERT FIRST!! Being that I usually do the cooking and it sure was nice to have someone cook for me while at home! ***If you are not the chef at your home I think it's time to KISS THE COOK and Appreciate Appreciate Appreciate!!! Well my peeps, I have plenty to do before hitting the road so I will bid you farewell. And catch you back here tomorrow LIVE from good 'ol Kingman, Arizona (our first stop on this fun filled road trip)! Happy Travels, -T |