Tanya's Daily Scoop | Elisa's Daily Scoop I can hardly believe it's Friday! And to boot, it's the last day of school for my girls. This year, literally, flew by! What's more, in terms of life, I cannot believe I've spent two full school years - as a single mom! Just so crazy how time goes by so quickly. The greatest joy I have had is to be able to be there day in and day out with these kids for the good, the bad, the hysteria and excitement of these previous elementary school years. As of today, I officially have a 6th and an 8th grader. Next year will be quite a busy year with Gianna prepping for high school, beginning with the high school entrance exams, followed by the numerous 8th grade activities throughout the year and ending with graduation from her elementary school! Hard to believe my "baby" Kelsey will be starting her middle school years in September. Some of her classmates have opted to leave for different middle schools, but she will continue through 8th grade as did her sister. Onward... Well, with the Cousins Chicago Road trip no longer part of my plan (insert sad face) for next week, me and my gang will enjoying a leisurely week, more than likely spent at our fitness center and their amazing outdoor pool! It really is, very much like a country club! And with Gianna's back not 100%, she will get her exercise this next month by swimming rather than horseback riding. My plan is to do the same! Tomorrow, our plan is to go shopping for new bathing suits for all three of us after Kelsey has her weekly day of riding. The plan is to "use' those suits on Sunday at the pool!! I'm sorry that life has thrown me a bit of a curve ball with some Tough Times the past year with my travel plans and cutting back, which has clearly affected my ability to tell you all about my travel adventures. BUT!!! Remember, Tanya is moving right along and has many amazing trips and adventures on her agenda!! I'm here to fill in information and great facts in and around her travels and when things are back on track in my personal life, I'll be hitting the road (or the sky!!) once again. As a matter of fact, I was very enthralled by this article I recently read and should you have any plans to head out west - specifically to Jackson Hole, Wyoming or Idaho, you may want to take note that these are two great places to be for a spectacular view of this summer's Solar Eclipse! This rare Solar Eclipse will take place on August 21st and if you are interested in Where to Watch the Solar Eclipse, click the link featured on Afar.com. The last one was visible in the lower 48 and took place in 1979 and the next solar eclipse won’t be until 2024. See ya back here tomorrow!! -E xoxo |