Travelin' Cousins Hits 100 Likes on Facebook!!It's Sunny! it's Saturday! It's National Strawberry Shortcake Day! Last night we had such a fun time at the Big Apple Circus in Cunningham Park, Queens. For whatever reason, the girls were giving me such a hard time about going. They were tired and complaining. I have to tell you, I was almost tempted to just not go! It was like pulling teeth. Thank goodness I kept my cool and just persevered, because it was a wonderful show and the girls Loved it! I will be posting a review on our Entertainment Review page on Monday, with tons of great pictures and a full description of what I experienced under the big top last night! Today, we are going to try to squeeze in some miniature golf and getting all our gifts together for tomorrow for all the dads in the family. Hope you have been catching the great articles we posted on our Facebook page yesterday about Car Rentals. And Speaking of Facebook, WE HIT 100 LIKES YESTERDAY!!! Thanks to everyone. If you haven't liked our page yet, please do so, there is lots of travel information that we post daily! I found out a little tidbit about today that it is National Strawberry Shortcake day!I searched high and low to get some history on this cake as well as where it is made the best. Thought you would enjoy this little history of this delectable dessert: History of Strawberry Shortcake According to this article, the best strawberry shortcake can be found in Plant City, Florida. In honor of Tanya and any vegans out there, here is a Vegan Strawberry Shortcake Recipe. Today is also Flag Day. On this day in 1777, the Continental Congress approved our nation's flag. Happy Birthday, Old Glory! Hope all you dads are looking forward to your special day tomorrow!! Can't wait to hearing all about Tanya's fun Father's Day weekend in Santa Barbara!! Happy Saturday! Till tomorrow... -E | Woo Hoo & 100 Thank Yous for our First 100 Likes!!!Hello Hello & we're OFF!! Hitting the high road; on our way to Santa Barbara. Really for no reason at all aside from that when we went to the Carlsbad Flower Fields, the Lompoc Flower Fields had come up in an online search and I became interested. I love flowers and I love photography. They are such perfect little beautiful subjects. And that is just how easy it all begins. Then it grows and grows until it has legs of its own! Since Lompoc is about an hours drive north of Santa Barbara which will already take us around 2.5hrs or so. I figured that it had to be an overnight trip at the very least, and since there really isn't all that much else going on in Lompoc, I chose to spend a day "relaxing" in Santa Barbara. We plan on doing some cycling along the coast, some sightseeing & shopping (how could you go wrong), some tennis, and plenty of eating!!! On Sunday morning after going for a swim, we plan to actually go and visit the flower fields, and then head to Pasadena for the Pasadena Chalk Festival. I'll be sure to keep you posted along the way! My little Cosette has decided that she doesn't want to come with us because it'll mean that she would miss out on the opportunity to go to the Stables where Jet and Brigitte keep their horses. I've gotta tell you that I was a bit surprised by this. Not because she doesn't occasionally skip a trip here and there, but because this one is short and there is so much FOOD and SWEETS to be had! (This kid has a mouthful of sweet teeth.) All this week both Elisa and I were both texting each other as our Facebook likes were nearing the 100 mark. We were both hoping to reach 100 by this weekend and thanks to all of you we did! We truly appreciate you and hope that you are enjoying all of the stories, travel tips, photos, and more that you can find here on Travelin' Cousins. I'm liking this find of Elisa's about National Strawberry Shortcake Day! I hope that one of the goodies that we find today is a sweet (vegan) Strawberry Shortcake...mmm And if I weren't vegan I would have all the inspiration that I needed right there in the left column about the Best Strawberry Shortcake being found in Plant City, Florida - yeah, well guess where you would be finding me on National Strawberry Shortcake day 2015? Yup you got it, Plant City here I come. Of course all of this would only be possible IF I weren't vegan. But I am, so I'll just whip up that sweet treat for these guys over here using the recipe that Elisa posted for me! *insert happy dance here* "Do anything, but let it produce joy" - Walt Whitman Have a joyous day & I'll see you here tomorrow, -T |