Monday, Monday!I woke up very excited today since we are launching our new page, Entertainment Reviews this morning. Please catch our first story, which is written by me, "Confessions of a Jersey Boys Junkie." Entertainment events, shows and theatre are such an integral part of traveling, so by adding this category to our site, we believe we have expanded the resources to our followers for planning a well-rounded trip. Please give us your feedback regarding this new page! Catch a new installment of Elisa and Tanya's New Mexico Road Trip tomorrow! I am still bummed that I have not secured a good fare for the air portion of my trip out to New Mexico, but I've not lost faith! I continue to be vigilant about checking the airlines and the travel sites daily for any dip in the rates! If you have not as yet checked out our page Upcoming Trips, please do so in order to keep up with our travel plans over the next few months. Tanya will be making her way back to the East Coast in mid-July and we are sooo excited that the "travelin' cousins" will be together. Our kids are psyched as well! We are finalizing some fun activities for when we are together, which we will post as soon as we finalize our plans, so stay tuned, we will be adding them to the Upcoming Trips page! ![]() I need to get to the post office today to send Tanya her Travelin' Cousins business cards - yikes - had them printed 2 weeks ago and still haven't mailed them. Meanwhile, I've been handing mine out like mad - sorry Tanya! Enjoy your Monday!!! ~E | It's a Brand New Day!How is everyone doing today? I have a spring in my step and a song in my head! Feeling a bit like Belle in 'Beauty & the Beast' singing through her village, or like Julie Andrews singing on a hillside in 'The Sound of Music'! So of course it makes me yearn for being in Europe, and a good musical...speaking of the sort and just by mere coincidence TravelinCousins has launched a new page for your viewing pleasure - Entertainment Reviews - I just completely adore going to the theatre! The entire experience is such a joy for me! Today Elisa has posted her review on Jersey Boys, and while I still haven't seen it, I know how much both she and Gianna really loved it! In other fun news - my article on Dun-Well Donuts, as well as my article on the San Diego Sicilian Festival have both been published by! So if you haven't already read it here and here (with pictures!), you can do so over there too! ![]() As for today, lots of writing to do, more planning, exercise, and the IPC graduation party tonight! As for yesterday, we all enjoyed the movie, biking went well (only went 12.5 miles) and we saw lots of adorable itty bitty little ducklings; ![]() Cosette received all of her rewards from selling Girl Scout Cookies a few months ago, and tennis was lots of fun - but by the end of our hour out there you could definitely see the difference in our game! We were all hungry (with all of the activities planned - I left out LUNCH!) and our energy levels had dropped :( So by dinnertime, we were all quite ravenous!! “Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson Have the best day of the year! -T |