Tanya's Daily Scoop
Hot Sizzlin' Dayz at the Stables
As you can see, there is only one column (mine) today, as Elisa is still feeling under the weather and just plain icky sicky. Hope you feel better soon cuz!!
I took these eager horse lovers to the stables yesterday...the very hot stables.
The hot as an oven stables. And you know what happens when it is hot...the flies come in droves!
So I doused myself with plenty-o pure peppermint oil in effort to ward them off and keep them away. But at the same time I think I must've smelled like a walking talking candy cane! LOLOL
The kids had a great time and Dream loved all of the attention and her cooling bath afterward. Poor thing must've really been rather hot herself, as she didn't roll after her scrub down - which is highly unusual!
FACT: Horses just don't want to be clean - by rolling in the dirt after a bath it natural wards off predators by hiding their natural odor.
And what a big strong baby it is!
So sweet and personable too! But alas, I was too hot and we still had a few errand to do before getting back home. So we hopped in the car and were blessed to be blasted by the A/C.
I had to reschedule Dominic's hair appointment for Tuesday, as there was more traffic than expected and we were going to be running late. Soooo I had plans of showing you his before and after pics in relation to some TBT pics of mine - but now that simply will not work.
Oh well.
But Dominic was quite a bit disappointed and apparently quite tired, so in turn he collapsed on the couch and fell asleep. I tried to wake him in time to go to his class and there wasn't much budging. Next thing I know he did wake up (late) and I asked if he wanted to go to class late to which he decide to skip class.
Andrea (Jayson's mom) came over to pick him up, and we chatted about our upcoming trip to Florida, Disney World, and a Bahamas Cruise which led in many other conversations and hours of chatting - to which the kids were in disbelief that we could chat for so long -
well umm we are in disbelief that they can play video games for so long!!
Not all that much on todays agenda, I've got to get to the gym and do some food shopping, Dominic has classes later, and not all that much else.
Tomorrow the kids had a performance which was cancelled and I have a much needed mani/pedi appointment scheduled.
Saturday the kids have a fairly big performance with an Olympic theme that should be a load of fun (at least for me, since I love the Olympics), and then they will be allowed to go into Splash (a water park of which the private event is being held at).
Sunday is brunch at Crossroads on our way to Malibu for our long time friend's wedding - which should be beautiful.
Crossroads is LA's swank Hot Spot
I'm sure to have lots-o-lots-o pictures from this weekend for you to look forward to!
And now I'll leave you off with a few TBT (Throwback Thursday) pics: