Busy, Busy Week!Welcome back to a new week here at Travelin' Cousins. I hope your Fourth of July Holiday weekend left you feeling rejuvenated and ready for a new week! Traveling wise, I had a pretty uneventful weekend, however, I was extremely productive. Since Friday, I managed to view a number of my internet course webinars, as I had planned. Two new pages were added to our site, Long Island and Southern California, both of which, Tanya and I will be constantly expanding. Lastly, we made some progress regarding our efficiency for sharing information via our social networks. This will enable us to share more information, and still leave Tanya and I plenty of time to expand our website and blog. As part of my commitment to provide an ongoing stream of travel and attraction information about Long Island, I just added an article to our Travel Blog page: Adventureland: 50+ Years of Amusement Park Fun on Long Island. This article will also be posted on the Long Island page as well. Later in the week, I will be visiting The Long Island Museum in Stoney Brook. This museum boasts the largest collection of antique horse carriages. I'll be snapping lots of pictures and telling you all about my visit, you can be sure of that! And if that isn't enough Long Island attraction talk, how about some information about The Long Island International Film Expo, which takes place in Bellmore, Nassau County from July 9-17. I will be going over the coming weekend and reporting back to you on Monday, July 14th. Don't miss this film festival if you live in New York or are going to be visiting during this period of time. Whew! Lots going on. This is, of course, in addition to Gianna and Kelsey attending Horseback Riding camp this week, as well. Busy, Busy, Busy!!!! Here's to a great week!! -E | Ready for a New Week?Welcome to Monday everyone! My Mondays are usually filled with a bunch of catching up, working on Travelin Tuesdays, travel meetings, and choir rehearsal (for the kids). Today is not much different, however I do need to also start packing for our trip back east. I really luv packing, I find it so exciting and fun! How could it be anything else??? It means you're about to go on a trip and travel!!! You may laugh or think that I'm a bit crazy, but I do tend to be a rather anal packer, being so organized to the extent that I carry a list of what each of us is scheduled to wear on every given day we are away...The packed items are also color coordinated between me, Dave, and the kids! I certainly don't want any of us to clash in any of our photos! It definitely takes some planning, but it's also something that I definitely enjoy! We were still in San Diego yesterday, we to the pool and then had a lot of fun watching the SF Giants win 5-3 over the SD Padres at the baseball game. The only issue we had was that the sun was beating down on us, along with several other groups we moved/changed our seats 5 times! Luckily the ball park wasn't even close to being full (stated attendance was just over 28k). And yet we still managed to have a pink glow by the end of the day. Once we returned back to Anaheim Hills, my poor Cosette was very depressed that she didn't get to see the horses this week (her trainer is still out sick), so we took her to the stables. To her being at the stables and around horses is like traveling is to me. So it was wonderful that we could bring her an extra dash of happiness on this fun filled busy holiday weekend. As we were away having fun this past weekend, Elisa was a productive busy-bee! She and I were in constant contact, discussing blog topics, travel, and our daily lives in general. So glad to have the 2 new pages that she added for each of us to work on, and be able to give YOU ideas as to how to have fun and keep busy in our backyards! I'll be adding an article this week about the San Diego Safari Park, with lots of fun animal pictures! So stay tuned and keep a look out for it! Have a wonderful Monday! See ya back here on Tuesday! -T |