Taste of Sicily Trip Planning
Happy Tuesday!!
I think we are in for some chilly, frosty weather here in the greater New York area, according to the forecast. Temps are supposed to dip way down during the next two days as low as in the single digits! Yikes!! That's why I'd much prefer to think about my upcoming Summer trip to Sicily, where the weather will be sunny and warm. Speaking of this trip, I've been doing a great deal of reading, researching the various provinces. Tanya and I have been chatting piecemeal about this trip, here and there and need to have an in-depth conversation about our itinerary. However, the way this trip will work is a bit different than some of our others. For me and my gang, we must leave after June 25th, when the girls are out of school. In Tanya's case, she will be flying to Sicily from her prior trip to London. She also is limited to 7 days since she has other scheduled travel and needs to get back to SoCal. As a result of not being able to have a long block of time to explore together, we will have to figure out the best possible set of options of where to go on the island together during the seven days we share on this trip. For me, I'm pretty determined to stick to the east coast provinces in order to see all the points of interest on my list for those areas.
Another reason for this is that our family (my paternal side and Tanya's maternal side) hail from Taomina, Sicily. I do want to get a deep feel for this area, as well as the full east coast provinces including Messina, Catania, Siracusa and Ragusa.
Since we will be staying an extra week after Tanya and gang departs, I am debating between two places - Malta (to the south west) and Calabria, on the southern most tip of mainland of Italy. Calabria is where my mom's family comes from, namely, my Grandma Rose
Lots to think about!! I want to know what my plan is before Tanya and chat this Thursday evening, so I'm going to be working on a few possible plans today.
I'll keep you posted!! Interesting Article... You know how I love sharing interesting articles I find on the internet. Here is one from The Discoverer Blog, which I found to be great advice for those newbies to international travel. 10 Mistakes to Avoid on Your First Trip Abroad
More tomorrow,
-Travelin' Elisa xoxo |
What to do about Sicily
Hey there. Sorry I'm bopping on here late.
It's been a busy 2 days of getting back into the swing of things. I'm glad to see that Elisa has been doing some of the ground work for our Cousins trip to Sicily. But it looks like my travel calendar is even too much for my dear cuz to keep up with! As she noted that I need to get back to SoCal and that is the reason why we can't stay in Sicily longer than 1 week. Of course I had wanted to stay longer and was planning on going before we head to London. But since Elisa and the girls can't leave for the trip until after June 25th, I opted to adjust our schedule which meant staying less time in Sicily - but the thing is that Sicily is only a small part of a much bigger, much longer trip and we actually won't be making our way back to SoCal until later in July. *Note that as I type this I am wondering if this still makes sense. Maybe we should still ahead of Elisa and the girls and they can meet us there. Only glitch is that our time together will be shorter because I will have to leave for London by June 29th.
I'm also okay with staying in Sicily for just the 1 week because I manage to make my way to Italy it seems at least once a year. Elisa and I will finally talk on Thursday evening about the plans for this trip. But at this point I'm not sure I am as interested in exploring Catania, Siracusa and Ragusa on this trip. There is absolutely no doubt that I want to visit Taormina.
I also do want to visit Messina and I'm not sure yet if I want to miss Palermo. So we will have to see how the plans pan out.
As far as Elisa and the girls extending their trip and going to either Calabria or to Malta, well I've yet to visit Calabria. And I have done my share of exploring Malta - absolutely phenomenal for archaeological sites and the St John's Co-Cathedral in Valetta remains one of my favorite Cathedrals in the world! We all headed out to rehearsal last night and I had an unexpected meeting. We were also car pooling with a couple of the kids friends who we took with us for a bite.
I must say that by the end of all this I was super tired. Napped on the drive home (Dave was driving) and went to bed early.
That's about it for now folks, -Travelin' Tanya |