Elisa's Daily BlogTravelin' Tuesday in Boca!Travelin' Tuesday is here! And this will be the second Tuesday in a row that I'm traveling! Last week, I was in Disney World and this week, I'm with my kiddies in Boca Raton visiting my parents. So, let me look forward with you to another upcoming trip -- LAS VEGAS trip is coming up next week!!! I'll be having a girls' weekend to Las Vegas with my sister and friend Cheryl. I'm really excited about this since it's the first time in many, many years that the three of us will be hanging out for an extended period of time. As teenagers and twenty-somethings before we were all married and moms, we used to do a lot together! Those were fun memories!! I know we're going to have tons of laughs and great food!! Eating and dining out is something the three of us LOVE to do!! We didn't really set a definite agenda yet. We will, however, all be flying out on the same flight which should be an experience in itself. Last time me and Daneille flew together it was about 18 months ago. We went down to Miami to celebrate our birthdays (which fall a week apart in October). We shared headphones while listening to old school dance music and were talking and laughing the whole time. The women on the flight sitting near us got a kick out of it. But, there was one disgruntled young man (late 20's) who had a real problem with it. He kept turning around, telling us to be quiet. He even went as far as to call us a$$holes when we had landed and everyone was getting up to disembark. Danielle was completely annoyed and couldn't believe he had the nerve to say that! Well, as fate would have it, when we arrived at our gate for the return flight a few days later, who do you think happened to be on our flight?? Yup, the same rude, ugly guy. And to make matters worse, as we were walking down the aisle of the plane to our seats, it turned out, he was sitting in the row in front of us again!!! I couldn't resist and when I got to his seat (which was an aisle seat), I leaned down close to him and I said "Remember how loud we were on the ride down? Well, we are going to be twice as loud on the return flight." He would't make eye contact and said "Well, I brought ear plugs this time." And I replied "Good - then I suggest you put them in your ears DEEP." Danielle almost hyperventilated laughing. Needless to say, he didn't make anymore comments. We'll see what adventures we have on this Vegas trip! So, getting back to my time here in Boca, the weather is just gorgeous and I've been sleeping like a baby! Just such a relaxing atmosphere! Been spending some great quality time with my Dad!!! Exactly what I had planned! The girls went shopping with my mom yesterday and managed to get some beautiful clothes and accessories. Today will be just another relaxing day!! Have a great one!! -E xoxo | Tanya's Daily BlogI've been waiting patiently..Yay! Travelin' Tuesday is finally here! I've been waiting patiently to share all of my progress and plans that have taken place within this past week (since last Travelin' Tuesday). Well for starters, in exactly one week the kids and I will be going on our 4th trip of 2015!
*Funny that both Elisa and I both have good friends named Cherryl and that they could possibly both be traveling with us next week! Another trip that I've been putting together has been our:
Our trip will take place in Sept/Oct of 2016, right before Cosette's birthday, and while I don't usually spend much time focusing on trips that are so far out on our calendar, this one is a bit different... I am organizing at least 6 different groups (not including our own), to share the vacation with... Each group will be coming out and leaving at different times and experiencing different activities with us! Hectic, but so much fun! And all of the kids involved already can't stop talking about it! *Maybe even Elisa and gang can hop over there for a fun quick visit with us?!
This trip boards in 24 days!!!
(located about a 4 hour drive north of San Francisco).
As for today, I should actually get our packing out of the way since my days are pretty much all fully booked up until we leave! A special thanks to all of our loyal readers/subscribers for all of your votes! We are moving back up in the ranks...in the top 200 overall and #2 in the Travel & Leisure catagory! Please continue to vote for us and help us reach our goal of being #1! Catch ya later, -T |