Hiking around Orange CountyHello friends! I'm having a lazy(ish) morning here in SoCal. Doing some online Christmas shopping and last minute planning/prep for Colonial Williamsburg... Departing tomorrow! Yesterday was a rainy day here in the southland and it was the day that was planned to take Cosette to the DMV for her written test. She passed! (Like there was there any doubt!) We then went for a celebratory lunch before she had to go into work. And I went... Shopping! I'm sure you would've never guessed! LOL But then Dinner had to be made - a delicious Pasta Fasul and then finally - I had a hair appointment. Meanwhile I know that I missed posting yesterday, but what I would've put in the SCOOP was all about the day before... When Liz caught up with me and asked if I was interested in going on a hike at Peter's Canyon - see pics below: It was a lovely little hike and little did I know that Liz has a Frozen Chai Latte on her mind the entire time. So before heading home - which is a mere 10 minute drive - we went to CJ's Coffee. Liz ordered her Chai and I decided to try a Blended Matcha Pistachio Latte - I've got 3 letters for you OMG! This drink was like heaven. I seriously think I dreamt about it later that night. Needless to say - I need to go back there and order it again ASAP. But for now I need to get my butt in gear and pack!!! We are heading to LAX tomorrow evening immediately following our St. Nicholas Day festivities and leaving SoCal for a bit of Holiday charm in the Colonial Village of Williamsburg. More on this in the days to come. Ciao 4 now, -Travelin' Tanya | After Elisa's return from her Disney World trip my poor cousin got sick. Send her warm healing wishes. She'll be back on the blog as soon as she is able. -Travelin' Tanya |