Tanya's Daily Scoop
And we are off!
Yessireee guys we are here after hitting the road at precisely 5:30am just as planned.
Everything is going well. On schedule. As planned. Just the way I like it!
We are also gonna go catch a SF Giants vs Chicago Cubs game at AT&T Park. It's gonna be great fun & I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.
Yesterday was a bit crazy, between all the running around, appointments, pick ups, drop offs, screw ups and last minute visits that we wanted to squeeze in before leaving town.
Yup you read that correctly - screw ups!!!
I went to the wrong location to pick up the rental that we hired for this road trip - DOH
Not that huge of a screw up since the correct location was only about 2 miles away AND because my mumsy had the intuition to wait for me to have a vehicle before leaving.
Cosette and I then made a bee line to go for a quick visit with Dream and Star.
And then off we went again to pick up Dave, grab a bite, go visit Angie in the hospital - we are so happy that she is looking good - keep up the prayers!!!
But my night was far from over and we all know that even though I had to wake up quite early that I didn't get to sleep at a reasonable hour.
But alas we here and like I said we are on schedule and things are going goooooood.
Much keep it that way - so I'm off!