Surprise Cousins Visit in NY?Hello! Ok, so there I was - in my pj's, sitting in my kitchen having a little snack (since I skipped dinner) at about 9 last night. I was chatting with Tanya about her frustration with losing her luggage and missing her flight from JFK (NY) to LA (see Tanya's column today for all the details), when it became clear that I was going to have two house guests last night. That's right!!! Who would have guessed that after both of us having been on very long European trips, they would end with us getting a chance to see each other in person! So, I bet your wondering where the photo is right? Well, there isn't one! (boo). Between Tanya's stress at not having her bags; wanting to catch up on "life", saying hi to Gianna and Kelsey, and letting both her and Dave freshen up, we totally forgot to take a "surprise cousins' visit" picture. :-( This morning was equally rushed as I drove my cuz and Dave to the airport at 5am for a 7am flight. When we said goodbye, we realized that it's only about 5 weeks till we will all be together in New Mexico or our Road Trip!! Today, I have to do errands - yuk! Food shopping and planning dinner menus for the next week. A Costco run is in the cards for today or tomorrow as well. I also have to finalize some details for Kelsey's birthday party on September 14th (her real birthday!) and drop off a check to the venue. Back to Travelin' Cousins - I'm so excited that today is Throwback Thursday and I get to share Part 2 of Elisa's China Adventure: Lost Passport Scare in Shanghai Finally, please accept our apologies for not posting The Daily in time for emailing yesterday - here is a link to August 27th: Day 22 Keep Smiling - you never know what surprises await you!! -E | Guess What...? -Day 23So, you'll never guess where I woke up this morning...At Elisa's! Seems that the record I have 'of never (in my life) missing a flight' has now been broken - thanks Dave B! There we were all checked in, and we arrived at the bag drop counter all of 4 minutes too late to check Dave's bag. Yup a whole 4 minutes late. Because due to FAA regulations, your bag MUST fly with you! I was so livid and pissed off - you wouldn't even believe how mad I was! And the topper to all of this was that it was taking place on the same day that the airlines had not sent my bag on the same flight with me out of Ireland! I guess it's all fine when the airlines don't manage to get your luggage on the flight with you - but it's totally not okay if I were to choose to have my luggage arrive on a later flight so that I don't miss the plane altogether! Ugh Well, my bag is still MIA, which totally sucks. Once they finally locate it, they are going to FedEx it to me in Anaheim Hills. Just that process alone would typically take 3 days, but is gonna take several days (with the holiday weekend here upon us). So if you recall, we are heading to Las Vegas for the weekend - and now I am without several items of which I will be in need. Time to go shopping at the airlines cost! This was certainly an unexpected adventure at the end of an otherwise snag less and amazing trip! Of course the real bonus at the end of it all was being able to see Elisa, and the girls! Next Daily from Southern California. Toodles, -T |