Tanya's Daily Scoop
Here I go again...

GREETINGS from sunny and hot San Diego.
Yup as you can see I'm on the go again.
Do I have issues or what?! HA
Nah, I don't think so but there are quite a few peeps out there who would much rather sit around and relax then be on the go all the time. Whateves.
What works for me may not work for them. Lord knows that what works for them certainly doesn't work for little ol' meeeeee.
So obviously I finished packing. I even finished unpacking from our most recent return. And pretty much almost as soon as I get back home I'll need to start packing all over again! We are heading to Sin City for Labor Day weekend. It's kinda sorta an annual trip for us. And I say kinda sorta because if there is a year (such as last year) where I return from a trip on or too close to Labor Day then I forego the Vegas trip.
I'll chat more with you about Vegas next week.
For now we are about to head into a lovely breakfast at Bar Kindred (one of my faves for breakfast/brunch in SoCal and definitely my very favorite Vegan Benedict anywhere to date).
We'll also be doing a couple of things that are a bit touristy: visiting the Maritime Museum of San Diego and going on an on the water adventure onboard a PCF-816:
This unique narrated tour describes PCF 816’s role in the U.S., Malta, Viet Nam, Swift Boat sailors, and the above establishments on the Bay. So this should definitely be interesting!
Now are you ready for a little SCOOP?
As you know I had pampering on my schedule for yesterday and it was lovely... But within seconds of when I had arrived at the first salon I heard a THUNK.
I dismissed the sound, not knowing what it was. And the young receptionist commented "that was the saddest thing I've even seen". I questioned what she was referring to and she pointed to a tiny bird lying lifeless on the sidewalk outside the salon! OMG
She said that it flew dead on into the window and then collapsed!!!!
I immediately stepped outside to see if the bird was still alive.
It was still breathing - thank GOD!
I lifted the bird into my hands and caressed it's tiny body. The bird had responded and appeared to be comforted. Soon enough the bird must've realized and wondered what on earth was it doing in my hands! First he gifted me with poop in my hand and then he/she took a short and somewhat unsuccessful flight to the ground right below.
Still looking rather limp and breathing deeply, I moved the poor stunned animal into the shade and out of way from foot traffic.
Meanwhile the two kind-hearted girls at reception not knowing what to do had asked me if they should give it some water. I recommended that they find a small cap and place it near the bird. They also printed a sign to alert passerby's to look out and help the animal if they could.
An hour later as I returned to the lobby of the salon I saw that the poor little bird was STILL THERE, now perched on the windowsill staring inside the salon. I said a quick prayer for God's little creature and no sooner had he finally flown away up and over the trees. It was almost as if he (I am of course assuming it was a he) waited for me to return so that I could watch him off and on his way. I love a happy ending - don't you?
Off course you know I also got my nails and toes done and all ready for VEGAS baby!
Catch ya tomorrow,