Tanya's Daily Scoop
Bit by the Bug
I am all of the map today. Bouncing around from one thing to the next. It's a bit of MADNESS.
I can totally understand how most people can't keep up and why last night as I'm going over future travel plans with Dave, he said "I think you have ADD... You definitely have something!"
But instead I am studying the Five Boro Bike Tour route.
Then I got to looking at Dublin. Why?? Because I have Traveler's A.D.D. and because we are going there in March and I still needed to book 2 of the nights. BOOKED
I finally got Vegas BOOKED just last night - and we are going for Labor Day Weekend. Now that was cutting it close!!
I rearranged our trip to San Francisco. I also took a peak at our trip to Arizona. Both taking place in November.
While I'm at it, I might as well give you a sneak peak at the road trip that I'm developing for 2024...
I still have to work out all of the logistics of this trip and squeeze it between the day after Easter and Chaplin's birthday. That gives me 29 days. Luckily I'm pretty confidant that I can manage this task!
Of course I have other errands and chore that I need to do - but it's definitely more fun to plan trips!
I guess I should take care of business for a while and once I'm done I'll continue my day dreaming around the world...
Have a good one,