Sorry but Elisa won't be checking in today. -T | Moab Brands Mountain BikingHello there. Yes believe it or not, this is my first opportunity to get on the computer and blog! GREETINGS FROM MOAB! We've had quite a day out there on the trails and when you see all the pictures in tomorrows blog then you will fully understand why I'm only just now able to bop on and at least say "Hi". As you know, we arrived into town yesterday and before driving through town and swinging by to check in, our first stop was the the Moab Brands Mountain Bike Trails. We unloaded the bikes, hopped on and began pedaling away... The Moab Brands Mountain Biking Trails happen to also be the first Moab Mountain Biking Trails that we ever experienced - 5 years ago when we were here with Dominic. Pretty cool huh?! It was definitely overcast, but the weather was just perfect for mountain biking. These trails provided us with a good warm-up ride for our first time out on our mountain bikes since last August! After getting all sweated up, it was time to roll into town, check in, clean up and head out for dinner. We ate at Thai Bella, which has only been open for 3 months. The meal was good and filling. Dinner had done Dave in and after all the driving over the past few days he was more than ready hit the sack. Luckily that was next. We needed a good nights rest for the day that was about to be today - which you'll find out about tomorrow! Hope you had a wonderful day and a lovely night. Tootles, -Travelin' Tanya |