I know, by this time you are probably thinking "Boy, this girl has got one heck of a sweet tooth!" And perhaps I do! ;)
So now pull up a seat, sit back, and take part in one of our favorite stops for some treats...Vegan Treats that is!
So you better believe that when I say something is good, it's gonna be DAMN good!
Even though we had hit the road fairly early this morning, we had a few other stops to make before heading this way. This particular visit, had us arriving just prior to their 10am opening. The kids were asleep for the drive and we still hadn't even had breakfast yet. The excitement built as the clock ticked closer to 10am. Finally we enter, and we are immediately in dessert heaven! Floating on cloud 9, Cosette is totally overwhelmed. I'm pretty sure that she wanted one of everything!
Not a bad idea...I think she takes after me!!
Almost bouncing out of our skin like a kid in a candy store, we composed ourselves (as much as possible) and asked a million questions to the girl who was behind working the counter. Tell us all about these amazing treats that are sitting in the bakery case right before our eyes. With a smile she politely gave us detailed explanations about each of the very many cakes, including their most popular Peanut Butter Bomb!
Between the french pastries, the pies, petit fours, the buns, the cupcakes, the cheesecakes, whoopee pies, doughnuts, the cookies, the cakes, the brownies, cannolis, and the soft serve, this place has got you covered. They even have a special shelf dedicated to gluten-free diets! And if you happen to be in need of a wedding cake... they do that too!

And for those who just won't do the trip, there is an option for you. Vegan Treats supplies a great number of restaurants and stores for your convenience (albeit it won't be as fresh, and you won't get the soft serve!) The list is very long, click here to find a location near you!