Something that I had always wanted to do was go on a baseball road trip. It was a "bucket-lister" so to speak... And finally back in 2007 I had decided to plan such a trip!
Being the baseball fan that I am, I was totally stoked and excited to research and plan such a trip.
I wasn't just excited to go and watch the games, but to also check out all of the stadiums on my route..
And Wrigley Field was on the top of my list!! Also at the time never yet being to Chicago and wanting to check it out for years prior - only to have trips fall apart on me in the planning stages - but that's another story altogether.
The flight went off without a hitch, and we were on our way...
While neither of us were fans of teams that we were going to see play, we were both baseball fans and had agreed that it made the most sense to cheer on the home teams. Plus take pictures in each "uniform" after the game - which was actually kinda FUN!!
Being that this trip was taken in mid September we were getting very close to the post season, and with teams scrambling to stay in first place or to play spoiler to teams that were in first place each game was quite exciting and definitely had a bit of extra competitive tension going for them.
To our surprise, each game that we went to the home team had won!
We began to feel like lucky charms...even joking around that we should offer our services professionally!
The home teams were still winning and we were still cheering them on, but now there was a chill in the air and I think we were both ready to head home and away from each other...
Together we had discussed the fact that since we didn't even have tickets for that KC game yet, and we could have a chill last day, rather than drive like made people to catch the game. We decided to forego the last game on our schedule and take it easy (you know that this was mainly the "other" person pushing for this, not me - but I said it was okay).
And low and behold guess what happened in that Kansas City game that we didn't go to???
The Home team LOST!
End of story.
I'm definitely ready for another baseball road trip!
So in case anyone is interested in hiring me for my services as a Good Luck Charm, just let me know ;)