To bridge or not to bridge, that was the big question...
Back in 2005 on our first family trip to the Sunshine State of good ol' Florida. As usual I had planned and planned, and my trip became more and more extended with each and every new idea!
The first leg of this trip was to take my little kiddos to Disney World for their very first visit!
This time happened to be going in January and as mentioned before, our first stop would be Orlando.
Well, once we got there we found that the locals were wearing winter coats, scarves, and gloves! Wow!!
It was rather a bit chilly and of course I had planned and packed for the hot weather that simply just comes to mind when you think FLORIDA.
*The one of the coldest days of 2005 was January 24, with a low temperature of 33°F.
However in the back of my mind, during the entire trip there was just something about the last leg of this trip that I was really dreading...
*The Overseas Highway is a 113-mile highway carrying U.S. Route 1 through the Florida Keys.
Well guess what...THAT did it!
I know there was no mention of the BRIDGE, but that was enough for me to take it as a sign and not go on that insane drive!

*It actually wasn't until 2012 that we finally visited Key West, and that was by cruise liner. Read that story HERE!
The remainder of our trip was still quite lovely and enjoyable. There are absolutely no regrets.
There is just something about driving on a highway or bridge or both with nothing but the deep ocean on both sides of the car for miles and miles and miles that just isn't my cup of tea!
What if there is a storm, or an accident, or...who knows.
No thanks, I still can't even bear the thought!