We booked a custom tour through Lima Mentor, we were picked up at the airport and brought to AlmaZen, a lovely quaint vegetarian cafe in the Mira Flores district. We had a quick bite, as we were already quite hungry from a long morning of traveling.

The Tour consisted of a walk around the Historic Downtown of Lima (Unesco site). Strolling through its most important streets and squares to observe and learn about the pointed out architecture and monuments.
Well, okay why not?!
So then before you know it I was surrounded, I couldn’t see anything but paper, pads, pens and pencils being shoved in my direction. After signing countless autographs, and when the huge crowd finally dissipated, I could now spot Dave and he too must have been bombarded in order for these kids to get his John Hancock!
At this point once the crowd had mimimzed I was finally able to pull out my camera and take some pictures. Wow! That was definitely an interesting experience! Vanessa told us that she does these tours daily and has never in her life witnessed such a thing!
Visiting the Convent of Santo Domingo, which is one of the best preserved from the colonial times and were able to climb its tower, and get a great view of the city below. We also visited Museo Larco, which holds the best Precolombian art private collection in Peru.