This year the Long Island Film/TV Foundation in conjunction with the Nassau County Film Commission will sponsor the 17th Annual Long Island Film Expo from July 9-17, 2014 at the Bellmore Movies. There will be over a hundred short and feature-lenghth independent films from all around the world featured over this week long event as well as a number of panels and lectures covering a multitude of film industry business and creative topics.
It seemed only fitting to be part of The Opening Night Party and Tech Awards if I was going to a film festival. My group of girls included my friend Denise, and my professional make-up artist daughter Rebecca. Rebecca's specialty is fashion and special effects artistry and having worked on numerous independent feature films, so this event is right up her alley! We had secured tickets through the LIIFE website a week prior and I was thrilled to discover they were free of charge. The evening was, in a word, fun. There is nothing hoity toity about this film festival. In fact, it is very down to earth and all of the people we met friendly and personable.
We walked through the room, helped ourselves to the extensive food offerings and found ourselves a table with other amiable attendees. Exchanging introductions, our little group was made up of a fledgling screenwriter and travel blogger (your's truly), two make up artist (including my Rebecca), a television producer, a mom (Denise) and actress, Judy Prianti who, among other roles, appeared on the Soprano's. Judy was very engaging with our threesome and shared with me her involvement with a Long Island actor/screenwriter networking group, which she happily encouraged me to join.
The festival is also comprised of a number panel discussions for those looking to gain some valuable insights about the various aspects of filmmaking. These educational panels include The Filmmakers Breakfast Panel featured a cross-section of independent filmmakers recounting their experiences. This event cost $5 - a small price to pay for some valuable knowledge and Write Stuff , presented by a panel of scriptwriters.
One day passes to view all films being shown between 11:00am until 10:00pm for the particular day purchased cost about $20 depending on the category of ticket. Over 150 independent films - feature length and shorts, from around the world, will be showcased.
The Closing Night Party and Awards Ceremony will take place once again in the Filmmakers Lounge with a full buffet, on Thursday, July 17 from 5:00pm to 6:45pm, followed by Entertainment and Awards Ceremony at 7:00 to 10:00pm. General admission tickets cost $55. Long Island Film celebrities have been known to attend and present awards, so for a taste of glitz and glamour, this would be a great night to attend.
For more information, visit the LIIFE website at