From that point on, I have literally seen hundreds of shows, on the New York stage, around the country and throughout the world!! Now, my two teen daughters are hooked theatre goers! My youngre daughter recently asked me "Mom, what was your favorite show EVER?" I thought hard, because I've enjoyed so many!
However, I was able to narrow it down to my Top 10. Of course, I'm sure this may change as I continue to see more!
I saw this in New York City - with Stephanie Mills, who later when on to tremendous recording success.
Loved this and saw it twice in New York City, with original cast the first time.
On Broadway in New York City with original cast the first time I saw it and a second time in London with my girls in April 2017. Read more at Theatre Day in London.
I had the pleasure of seeing this revival on Broadway when it opened back in 1984 with the amazing Dustin Hoffman and a few not too well known actors (at the time), John Malkevich and Kevin Spacey.
Went for the first time to see Wicked with my girls in New York City in May, 2016 to celebrate Gianna's 12th Birthday. Read more at 16 Wicked Facts About Wicked.
The story of Billy's 700 Sundays spent with his dad before he passed was one of the most spectacular one-man shows I've ever seen on the New York City Broadway stage!!! Hilarious and touching at the same time.
What can I say about Andrew Lloyd Webber that hasn't already been said? This show has some special memories as I saw it back in New York City in February of 1991, and then again in New York in 1996.
Portraying Peter Allen, the song writer, singer and dancer from down under, Hugh Jackman was mesmerizing in this New York City Broadway engagement, which I saw in 2003.
I saw the original cast which included Jessie Mueller (who won a Tony for her performance of Carole King) when it first opened on Broadway in 2014 and then again in November 2015 in Boston at the Boston Opera House with my daughters. Read more at A Beautiful Day with Mom.
Wow - so I saw this show three times on the Broadway stage, each time with John Lloyd Young, the original Frankie Valli. First during previews in 2006. Again in 2007 and then in May 2013 to celebrate Gianna's 9th Birthday. You may enjoy reading Confessions of a Jersey Boys Junkie!