Omg what an amazing time! It was soooo mush fun!
While we weren't first timers at dog sledding, this was definitely an adventure unlike our past experience; which was still fun without a doubt & the reason why we were looking so forward to doing it again!
Once we were all bundled up and given brief instructions, we were then escorted out to the masses of hyper barking sled dogs rearing and ready to hit the trails!
And we were off!!
Mush mush, up up up up up is what we yelled! Leaning into the turns, helping push the sleds up the hills, and riding, laughing, and being scared the rest of the time!
Round the turns and over bumps as Cosette yelled in fright.
She couldn't wait to be in the drivers seat!
Everything was going well, aside from our 4 dogs not being all that fast.
So Tanya had added another dog to our sled (little did we know that it was a female in heat).
Now definitely going faster, and with me not being quite familiar with the extra dog-power, going around the bends, and still terrifying Cosette.
Lean lean lean into the turns. Ut oh, there's a sharp turn ahead! And CRASH!!!
I was wondering how I wound up where I was, and I could hear Tanya calling out for us in concern that we were not hurt.
I had completely smashed through the steering bar/handles of the sled, and in the process my camera had snapped at the cord and ended up in the snow about 50 ft behind where I was now at...
Luckily Dominic had spotted it and picked it up for me, as I was in a bit of a haze!
The reason I wasn't still at the scene of the accident was because these darn active dogs just do not stop!
As I was hunched over the rail and Cosette was flung forward in her seat these dogs kept on pulling their sled...
As soon as I realized that we were in motion, I knew that I had to stand up and stop the sled, putting the brakes on!
Off we went again! Cosette still complaining that she should be driving!
Eventually we stopped to switch drivers and Cosette was at our helm, Dominic at the other.
Shortly after around a few twists and turns on this rollar coaster of a ride, we come to a stop when Tanya realized that Dominic wasn't following close behind.
While Cosette and I were waiting, we came to find out that one of the dogs on our sled was in heat and ALL the boys wanted her!
Holy Crappies, things got crazy, dogs humping, us cracking up laughing, other dogs getting all aggressive, and no guide to aide in this "situation"! What could we do?!
Eventually Tanya and the boys, arrived back to us...I guess Dominic thought that he lost his hat and sent Dave on a wild goose chase back down the trail in search for it (it was caught in his hood the entire while)!

Onward, let's get these dogs moving and off of each other. Ugh - what a tangled mess!
As we continued in the fun adventure of dog sledding there were at least 2 other times when the boys weren't behind us!
And the story was that with Dominic at the helm...
He fell off twice and straight face planted into the snow!
One of those times, as the sled continued in motion (because almost nothing stops these sled dogs) Dave who was the passenger had asked back if Dominic was ok, only to get no reply and to look behind and see that he had no driver!!
Dominic was laid flat in the snow way behind them off to the side of the trail! He was full of snow, but perfectly fine.
Overall, we had a few accidents, although no one was hurt (aside from the monster black and blue that I have not discover on my leg), and we had an adventure of a lifetime.
We are definitely coming back here on our next visit to Quebec! Hopefully they'll have us back!!