Tanya took the lead on doing research on the places we had earmarked to visit in Taos and after some chatting this week, we decided on our itinerary. After a relaxing first night, we thought would get up nice and early, enjoy a nice breakfast and then set off for some sightseeing adventures. Our plan is to see the following:
Day 1 Taos
a) Taos Pueblo
b) Kit Carson Home & Museum in the afternoon, to get in some history about the town. We are hoping the kiddies will appreciate that (and not drive us too crazy). Then our plan for the evening is to drive to the...
c) Taos Downtown Historic District for some sightseeing, shopping and eating.
d) Rio Grande Gorge Bridge which is supposed to be beautiful at sunset. We are anticipating that we may need to give the kids alittle incentive for one last visit before heading home for the night. So, we are going to surprise them (more like bribe them!) with some kind of decadent dessert to grab that they can eat while Tanya and I capture as many photos as we can of the Bridge at sunset. (We'll let you know how that works out!)
One thing we are 100% sure about is that the kids are going to love bunking up in the same house while we are in Taos and Santa Fe, so we're thinking that we might as well take advantage of as many "at home" meals as we can. The kids will certainly love being more casual and honestly, as a result, they will probably eat better (especially Kelsey!). Add to that, saving money and it's a perfect combo for everyone! So, we are planning to do a home cooked meal on our second (and last) night in Taos, before getting back in the car again the next day to head to Santa Fe.
We'll have more in Part 7 next week about our itinerary of sights in Santa Fe so tune in next Travelin' Tuesday!
- Elisa & Tanya
PS: For all of the details of this trip "at-a-glance" check out our New Mexico Road Trip Details page.
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4