Well now, here’s a little story about when I went on one of my first cruises (before started to really like them).
The year was 2008 and this would be my first 3-4 day cruise. It was just my partner in crime Priscilla and myself going from Long Beach, CA to Ensenada, Mexico.
On what I later found out was considered a booze cruise!
Off we went, the sails were set and we were on our way. First off was touring the ship, and finding our cabin. Next up was feeling a little woozy. Not sick, just woozy.
We partook in many fun activities and kept our selves busy, but also had the time to lay out and lounge on the pool deck.
The ship was doin’ it’s own rockin’ and rollin’ and thus the dance floor wasn’t exactly a steady ground to get my boogie on.
The entire group of people dancing would literally shuffle from one side of the room to the other. It was quite funny now that I think about it, but being there kinda got me nervous and I had to stop outside to confirm that the ship wasn’t going down!
On the day we went into Ensenada I had quite a bit of a shock, which only got worse as the time went on…
And then my dear Priscilla had wanted to go into one of the happening bars…I had my aprehension and yet still walked in with her - I figured that since it was in the middle of the day and full of tourists (very drunk tourists), that I should be fine. Besides I was dressed very much like a tourist - a grandma type of tourist!
Upon walking into the insane bar, I saw things that my prudish eyes had never wanted to ever witness. It was disgusting. The people in this bar had gone mad.
And then my dear Priscilla had wanted to go into one of the happening bars…I had my aprehension and yet still walked in with her - I figured that since it was in the middle of the day and full of tourists (very drunk tourists), that I should be fine. Besides I was dressed very much like a tourist - a grandma type of tourist!
Upon walking into the insane bar, I saw things that my prudish eyes had never wanted to ever witness. It was disgusting. The people in this bar had gone mad. They were crazy. Aside from the dancing on the tables and having the local barmen would spray the women with water, and chug drinks both men and womens throats, practically undress them, and smack their behinds - way too much nastiness going on for my poor eyes to see and for my prudish self to witness. After a fairly long while Priscilla was ready to leave - but I think it was only because if she didn’t that we’d miss our boat!
That was so not my thing, and I was so glad to have gotten out of there, but I still felt dirty and felt as tho I needed to take a shower and wash the experience off of me!