What a magical place Venice is! Back in 2009, I was fortunate enough to go and experience the city. Filled with its innumerable narrow, mazelike alleys and small squares. I was intrigued. And while I'm usually quite good when it comes to directions and not getting lost. Apparently all of this goes out the window in a place like Venice. |
What a great time it was!
And being that I like to explore as much as possible, on the day before leaving the city and moving onto the next (country), I decided that we would go and do some sightseeing on the beautiful islands of Murano & Burano.
Sure I had a map, but had quickly realized that maps in Venice are pretty pointless.
So I wandered and continued to wander for hours, not finding my way.
Of course I had asked for help, but following semi directions was doing me no better.
I'd see a piazza and it would look familiar, only for it not be the one I thought it was.
Upon finally approaching the hotel, I had noticed posted directional signs for the water taxi (that I would soon need). Rushing back to my room and packing was anything but relaxing, before I knew it, it was time to get in the shower and to start making our way out.
So off we went, checking out and trying to retrace our steps back to the Water Taxi stand.
I was lugging an enormous amount of luggage and had started by going the wrong way!
Only to realize that I was standing on the wrong water taxi dock...I then had to put myself into high gear and hustle over to the correct dock before the taxi arrived - otherwise...
I'd miss the boat! LOL
But not only that, I would then miss the bus that would take me to the airport, meaning that I would also miss the plane and my flight!
I was full on running, and with that breaking into a full sweat (which was just great, being that I had basically just got out of the shower).
Well, luckily and with heavy breath I made it in the nick of time. Where I literally only had a couple of seconds to spare.
Overall it was a rather stressful situation that worked out in the end, so there was a great relief that came over me!
And yet I still can't wait to return to Venice!!