Changes and NostalgiaHey there! I can hardly believe it's Friday already! Wow, this week flew by fast! Today, the girls get their "back-to-school" haircuts. Kelsey wants to cut her hair super short - I love how she looks with her long hair, but she wants a change. Gianna cut a lot off her hair at the beginning of the sumer. I was really sad because I love the way my girls look with long hair! Well, here is the result: I'm looking forward to read Tanya's Foodie Friday story today! I think she has a real treat in store for you! As of last night when we spoke, - still no sign of her suitcase. She was extremely frustrated by the whole situation. Usually I'm excited for Friday and the weekend, but not this weekend. Tuesday starts the new school year for Gianna and Kelsey. I love having my girls home the whole summer; I love having them so relaxed; I love being able to have such flexibility in my schedule. Tuesday morning, it's all over till next summer. This year will be a very different year on many levels. One is that Kelsey no longer takes snack - she's a big girl going into 3rd grade. Gianna will be in 5th grade and will be entering her middle school years next year. It's going to be a year of change. I'm not sure where the time goes. Feeling very nostalgic about life today - here's an old photo of the girls I thought I would share. On that note, I'm going to bid my farewell for the day. Enjoy the start of this Labor Day weekend 2014! -E | Back in Cali for the Day!Well howdy folks! Here I am back in the very warm SoCal (and I'm only saying warm because it's gonna be even hotter where we are headed to next!) I'd like to be able to report that I've unpacked and done my laundry, but I can not. My luggage is still missing. My suitcase is out there somewhere and not in my possession. UGH! So, first things first, when I got back yesterday (what bags I did have were some very over packed bags that were loaded with gifts); so dear 'ol travelin' Santa started handing out presents one by one. It brings me such joy to return with each carefully selected item for all of these peeps! Next came my attempts to show some of the gizilion pictures that I took... We only got as far as day 3 of 23! LOL Had to go food shopping, fight jet lag, make dinner, and finally curl up and collapse! As for today, I've got to pack for all 4 of us! Heading to Las Vegas for the holiday weekend! Going for a mani/pedi. Do some more shopping, things that I need to replace from my missing luggage and a run to Sports Chalet for their BIG Labor Day Sale - that I usually miss because I'm always out of town! I should also have time to upload some pictures from the trip onto TC for your viewing pleasure! And last but not least, do you know what day it is??? It's none other than Foodie Friday! Woo Hoo! Follow this link for my experience at very special and unique restaurant that we found in Brugge, Belgium! Dave B, the kids and I are looking very forward to more great food coming our way this weekend in Vegas! Stay tuned! In the meantime, I hope that each of you have a wonderful, and safe Holiday Weekend! Catchya back here tomorrow, -T |